Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Baking gone way wrong!

Where was Chef Stephanie last night when I needed her?! See Exhibit A above.
I learned a big cooking lesson last night that I'm happy to pass along so the above mess doesn't happen to you. You can NOT substitute gluten free flour for all-purpose flour.
Can you even tell what was supposed to come out of the oven? See Exhibit B below: Molassas Crinkles

The sadest part of it all, is that my nine-year-old son had made the dough all by himself and had even decided to make a double batch. Then his silly - trying to be healthy parents - asked him to substitute gluten free flour.
He actually handled the catastophy better than me. I was so looking forward to biting into these delicious treats, but instead had to dump them in the trash.
Here's the Molasses Crinkles recipe from Fine Cooking. We'll be trying another batch tonight, made with good old fashion all-purpose flour.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

Which gluten free flour did you use?? I've had both experiences--the cookie pancake like your picture and also great normal type cookies. I use Jules Gluten Free flour and reduce the liquid in the recipe and the cookies turned out great. This flour already contains xanthan gum, so this helps them not spread out so thin. For Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies, I just substitute the Jules flour, add only 1 1/2 eggs rather than 2 and about 1/4 cup more flour and they turn out great! Good luck--gluten free cookies can be successful!