Thursday, March 19, 2009


"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." H. L. Hungt

Why I like this quote: Being an entrepreneur is not easy. My family has made many sacrifices so that Hand Picked Pumpkin can be both what it is today, and what it will become in the future. Many years ago, I did a lot of soul searching regarding my whole life path. Launching and managing a business like Hand Picked Pumpkin was what I wanted. I exchanged a nice, steady pay-check and benefits for this wonderful roller coaster. I guess posting inspirational quotes each Friday is ultimately more for me but I do it to inspire others. I draw strength from these inspirations and refocus on my priorities. I hope you do too. Now back to work! I've got an SEO call scheduled in 4 minutes.

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